Experience the Magic of Murrough Mountain

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Project Overview


Burren Mountain Tours



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Project Overview

Burren Mountain Tours


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Discover the Burren: Scenic Drives, Walking Tours, and Alpaca Encounters

Burren Mountain Tours offers unforgettable experiences on their 1,000-acre Karst mountain. From breathtaking scenic drives to unique walking tours and interactive encounters with alpacas, their services are designed to immerse visitors in the beauty and heritage of the Burren. What they do:

  • Guided Driving Experience: A scenic drive over the mountain with opportunities to explore ancient relics and breathtaking views.
  • Guided Walking Experience: A unique trek around the mountain top with close encounters of the Burren's exotic flora and historical sites.
  • Mountain Trek and Meet the Alpacas: A combination of mountain exploration and an interactive experience with friendly alpacas.
  • Special Occasions: Customisable events for birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, and corporate gatherings on the mountain.
  • Bespoke Adventures: Customised experiences tailored to personal interests, from historical exploration to immersing in the local wildlife and nature.

Thin Slice Digital took on the thrilling challenge of rebranding and transforming Burren Mountain Tours’ online presence. Our goal? To capture the magic of Murrough Mountain and make booking these incredible experiences easier and more intuitive than ever.

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Let's Get Started!

What We Delivered

Logo Design

Created a logo capturing Murrough Mountain's rugged charm.

Responsive Website

Built a mobile-friendly site for easy browsing and booking.

Booking System

Implemented a custom booking system for streamlined reservations.

Custom Enquiry Forms

Designed tailored enquiry forms for efficient guest communication.

SEO Optimisation

Improved content and technical SEO for better search rankings.

Client Testimonials

Added a section for guest feedback to highlight memorable experiences.

Client Feedback

What Our Clients Say

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